The Secret Language of the Missing 5

Sunday, January 29, 2006

suma luna (n.)

1. the time of a summer day when the sun is going down, the moon is rising up, and stars are begining to appear in the field of lavendar in the sky between the two symbols of day and night (sun and moon).

chogoo (n.)

1. chocolate that has melted onto your fingers
2. chocolate syrup (may be used on pancakes)

funner (adj.)

1. the "more fun" for those who don't know correct grammar, or for those who have said "funner" one too many times, and are now just insisting that it is a real word (well, now it is, because it's in an "official" dictionary).

kazzidy (n.)

1. a rough, low, honky voice.
2. a rough, low, honky voice on a pretty girl.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

cliquid (n.)

1. water
2. liquid life
3. a clear liquid of any sort

digi cam (n.)

1.a shortened version of "digital camera" meant for people who are too lazy to say the whole thing or want to talk really fast.
2.a really small digital camera

tiki talk (n.)

an alarm clock that makes cool sounds instead of beeping

sky paint (n.)

the wind used to paint a rainbow accross a vast open sky

far spark (n.)

1. a falling star to make a wish upon
2. a dream or wish made on a falling star that seems farfetched

squibbie (n.)

1. an Abaratian coward

razzlefratz and bendelschnitz (unknown)

1. undecipherable handwriting
2, two MORE words used when all other words fail you.

spookies (n.)

1. a cookie made in your own fashion (but it doesn't actually have to be spookie in any way)
2. a cookie spelled wrong

improvision (n.)

1. improvisation said by a rebel rebelling against correct pronunciation

Friday, January 27, 2006


1. a calendar of any sort

pfsph (n.)

1. a bad hair day
2. something that is out of control or beyond repair

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

prindle (n.)

1. the geer shift of a car. The word is spelled along the side of the object, but is spelled PRNDL (park, reverse, etc.) on the actual object

Monday, January 23, 2006

smirkle (n.)

a circle of people (usually a clique) gossiping and smirking about people behind their backs.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

quemalade (n.)

1. an icy cool bevarage made by squeezing lemon juice and kumquat juice together, adding water, and sirring in sugar

Perimeter Test (n.)

1. a test taken in a spiny office chair in which you check that when your legs are extended to their fullest length, you can still spin yourself in a complete 360 degrees, without your legs bumping into anything. This way you are able to go fast around and around without having to worry about getting ingured (much).

Saturday, January 14, 2006


an exclamation used when words are lost and the only thing known of the situation is that it is stupid and angering, and otherwise possibly irritating

agubwa (adj.)

1. beyond humuliation, stress, or your reach of imagination
2. a word you yell when you don't know what else to say

squarular (adj.)

1. the term used to describe something cool or amusing
2. something cool or amusing that is square-shaped
-ity (n.)

Ah-range (adj.)

1. a distastful shade of the original orange color
2. an ugly color, no matter how little or how much it actually resembles the color orange

a microsoft (n.)

1. an occurence of which a Mozilla Firefox on your computer is taken over or detroyed by Microsoft appliances, so the icon for Firefox still exists, just to torture you, but the actual Firefox page is unable to be opened.
e.g. My computer pulled a microsoft this morning.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Spantalian (n.)

1. The crossing of the two languages Spanish and Italian
e.g. Scusy, Por Favor

Ruff (n.)

1. a tissue containing no lotion or aloe of eve, with a rough surface that makes your nose wail like a siren
2. the annoying sound an annoying dog makes when you are trying to sleep

Flouer (n.)

1. what do you get when you cross a flower with some flour?
2. a french fry tower made of leftover french fried potatoes nobody really wants to eat

girnation (n.)

1. a person or being that contatly has their head in the clouds and no clue about reality
2. a human being with an extremely long neck and a wild imagination

friendetta (n.)

1. Any being of angry or rude emotion that persuades others in to believing she is their friend, only to lure them into an evil trap. Te he he!

dumbice (n.)

1. an object or technilogical device that does not work even if you change the batteries

randomosity (n.)

1. Anyting of or having relation to anything random in any form.

missing (adj.)

1. being a lady belonging to a club or group that does nothing but actions that have no purpose

swirly wirly (n.)

1. Any form of any substance in the pattern or a spiral shape, or going in a spiral motion
2. something to easily entertain those of us that notice things.

fadvertising (verb)

1. The act of posting a false advertisement on a piece of merchandice of which you sell or give away
2. Labeling a "quality piece of merchandice" with writing such as "Tear Here" and "some assembly required".
3. The act of labeling a product the same way every other company in the world does, whether it is done under direction of law, or just because you want to fit in.

smelting (verb)

The process by which duct tape or any other tape of extremely sticky substence melts and becomes stuck together, so you cannot pull it apart.

toiletshot (n.)

a shot in the game of basketball in which the ball rotates around the rim annoyingly several times, then drops into the basket.


1. a device used to amplify your voice
2. any object in which you speak into and different or differently pitched noises come out

Geometry-esque (n.)

  1. in any way difficult, stupid, annoying, or unpleasant
  2. of or pertaining to the subject of geometry

Making Fiends