The Secret Language of the Missing 5

Monday, September 25, 2006

Metachromic (adj)

See Chromomorphic.
The original inventor of the word thought "morphic" meant change, but, come to find out, "meta" means change.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Enthuse (v)

To make enthusiastic

Chromomorphic (adj)

Color Changing. For exapmle: He has died his hair so many times its chromomorphic.

Friday, September 15, 2006

trombone (n.)

a french paperclip

gaterator (n.)

an athelete

patriot (n.)

one who wrestles for the sould of her country as she wrestles for her own being
-Adrienne Rich

courage (n.)

fear that has said it's prayers

logicalistic (adj.)

not jumping to conclusions (aka logical)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Milkrowave (v)

1) Microwaving milk so that it can be used to make hot chocolate
2) Microwaving milk (for the above purpose) for so long that it sort of, pops, and gives the inside of the microwave a nice, even dairy coating.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Burton-esque (adj.)

Similar to, in sync with, with a similar sound, or other wise sounding like something Tim Burton would use in one of his movies. One example of a Burton-esque band is The Dredsen Dolls, which are technically defined as "Cabaret Rock-Opera."

Cryoluminous (n.)

Glowing Ice. Cryo, meaning ice, Luminous, meaning glowing. Originally coined by Cody M.

Guzzleability (adj.)

The term used to describe with how much ease a particualar drink can be guzzled. For example, Sprite is popular for its excellent fizz and guzzleability.

Making Fiends