The Secret Language of the Missing 5

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Cinepurg (n.)

The painful waiting period between entering the movie theatre and when the feature actually starts.

Fingoes (n.)

Cheeto fingers.

Swubby (adj.)

Sweaty and Chubby.

Ninjury (n.)

1. A mysterious or unexplained injury.
2. A group of ninjas serving on a jury.

Frilusion (n.)

The illusion, on a weekday, that it is Friday.

Nothumble (v.)

To stumble on nothing.

Angsticipate (v.)

To participate angstily.

Cachakee (n.)

A combination of coffee and hot cocoa.

Purplooze (v.)

To press the snooze button even though you know you have to get up.

Lightxiety (n.)

Anxiety at a traffic light.

Snough (n.)

A sneeze-cough.

Selferosity (n.)

The performance of a generous task for selfish reasons.

Canalligator (n.)

An alligator living in a canal.

Lue (n.)

True Love.

Stama (n.)

Stupid Drama.

Portmantox (n.)

A one-word paradox.

Glutty (adj.)


Collaboridiot (n.)

Collaboration of idiots. Otherwise known as a political party.

Infauxtuation (n.)

A false infatuation.

Gatorlete (n.)

An athlete that buys into the sports-drink hype.

Jeek (n.)


Frownkles (n.)

The wrinkles that appear on your face when you frown.

Epiptharsis (n.)


Epiduction (n.)

When a book gives you an excerpt from the end of the book in the beginning.

Infatuanity (n.)

Crazy in love

Foffee (n.)

The foam on top of your fancy coffee drink

Making Fiends